Philanthropist, Pastry Chef
For most of us, providing nourishment is a natural instinct. It is packaged within our feelings of care and empathy for others. What drives many chefs, myself included, is the ability to be creative while also stoking that essential desire to nourish, to show we care.
[pullquote]Nature, like children, is incredibly resilient. Step in at the right time, and you can save a species from going extinct. [/pullquote]So it is a perfectly natural fit for me to be both a pastry chef and a philanthropist. And the causes I work on are all about caring for those who are most vulnerable—from exploited children and young women to wildlife. So it’s no wonder, that when it comes to nature, I worry most about endangered species.
Nature, like children, is incredibly resilient. Step in at the right time, and you can save a species from going extinct. There are so many worthy causes out there. But saving the life of a child, a seal pup, a baby sea turtle, or a polar bear cub is urgent, and the impacts last a lifetime.
I don’t plan on slowing down any time soon. There is too much to do. And I’m a New Yorker, after all. I want everyone to join me and save the amazing plants and wildlife that share our earth.