As we near the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, we would be wise to consider what has been accomplished since the law was passed, and where we would be without it.[pullquote]We need to increase, not limit, the reach of this vital law, or we do so at our own peril.[/pullquote]
So many plant and animal species are lost every year, owing to a variety of reasons, but had we not had the wisdom to enact this bold measure some four decades ago, things would be far worse.
We need to increase, not limit, the reach of this vital law, or we do so at our own peril.
Because even if you don’t revere the rich diversity that this planet still holds, you must consider—for your own survival—how many rivets can one lose from an airplane till it ceases to fly.
And make no mistake, the many plant and animal species are like so many rivets, keeping us aloft and alive.
Let the Endangered Species Act survive and thrive, and so shall we.