Colorado has wolf pups! Our first wolf pack, the “Copper Creek Pack,” is now established with the confirmation of pups being born to one of the reintroduced wolves from Oregon. The momma wolf has been exhibiting all the right signs including a den for months now. We welcome our new bunch of Colorado-born wolf puppies that are the next generation of wolves in Colorado. 

Along with this exciting development, we are excited to announce the completion of our new short film celebrating the success of  Colorado wolf reintroduction efforts. The film by Director Alan Lacy is titled “Welcome Home” and we are excited to share it with you! This 20 minute film will premiere in Denver on Thursday July, 18th at 6pm. Stay tuned for details on how to view the film online. 

Along with creating an amazing new film. We have been advocating for Colorado wolves at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission meetings. We’ve been asking for patience from ranchers, CPW and all folks learning to live with wolves. Thankfully, the Commission heard us and they have decided to assemble a working group to determine questions about what constitutes “chronic depredation.” We have also been asking the Commission to do all they can to protect wolves on the border with Wyoming where they are not only without protections, they are often brutally killed there as part of the culture of disdain and abuse of wildlife there. 

We need to continue to give ourselves and our wolves room to learn what life together is like again while keeping in mind that Colorado can do this and do this right. We need to choose restraint and thoughtfulness even in the face of provocateurs who are cynically spreading lies and generating fears about wolves. 

As we enter summer let’s look at the hope and promise that wolf pups bring. Let’s remember to speak up for the wolves who need advocates like you to ensure they have a chance to thrive. 

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