Wolf Delisting

Stand For Wolves: Learn More

Secretary Jewell and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service have proposed removing Endangered Species Act protections from gray wolves in most of the United States. Wolves need these protections to recover in areas where they have yet to appear or are just getting a foothold. 

This map from Defenders of Wildlife shows current, past, and potential wolf habitats in the United States:

Courtesy Defenders of Wildlife
Courtesy Defenders of Wildlife

While wolves have rebounded from near-total extinction in parts of the Northern Rockies and Western Great Lakes regions, much of the suitable habitat remains unoccupied by wolves. The recovery in areas where they do currently exist was only possible because of the protections provided by the Endangered Species Act. It is these protections that Secretary Jewell’s plan would prematurely strip from gray wolves.

The plan was reviewed in early 2014 by an independent peer review panel comprised of expert scientists. These panel members unanimously found that the plan did not use the best available science. 

Secretary Jewell said of delisting wolves, that “It’s about science, and you do what the science says.” We are asking her to follow science and to maintain Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves until they have recovered completely.

You can find more information at the links below.

A Blueprint for Continued Wolf Restoration (PDF)

The Science of Sound Wolf Management (PDF)

Wolves in the United States (PDF)

American Society of Mammologists  2013 Wolf Delisting letter (PDF)

Scientists letter to Secretary Jewell opposing delisting rule (PDF)

National Wolf Delisting Opposition Letter to Secretary Jewell (PDF)

Congressional Letter to USFWS Director Dan Ashe opposing wolf delisting (PDF)

Gray Wolf Factsheet from the Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)

Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
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