Breaking news from ESC member group Humane Society of the United States:

Sport hunting and trapping of wolves in the Great Lakes region must end immediately, a federal District Court has ruled. The court overturned a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decision that removed Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves living in the western Great Lakes region, which includes Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.  

We have written previously about the urgent need for USFWS to again protect wolves in Wisconsin due to aggressive and unsustainable hunting and trapping,  and congratulate and thank HSUS, Born Free USA, Help Our Wolves Live and Friends of Animals and Their Environment for taking the lead and holding USFWS accountable on WGL wolf protection through the courts.

Read the release in its entirety here.

Stay Informed!

2 comments on “Federal Court to USFWS: Relist Great Lakes Wolves

  1. Thanks for holding the Wildlife accountable for what they did. It’s times like this, someone should be.

    1. This is good or bad for the Wolves, I’m not sure but someone should take the lead, and give protection for them I #StandforWolves

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