Brock Evans, the Board President of the Endangered Species Coalition, has authored an instructional and engaging book to be released this fall. In Fight & Win, Brock shares tactics that he and his comrades have used to pull off conservation victories on scores of occasions. He offers young (and not so young) environmental advocates an invaluable step-by-step guide to fighting to protect our disappearing wildlife and wild places.  By mixing in personal tales of his decades of battles against entrenched special interests, Brock has made this not only a great tool but a great read.

Please watch the video and read Brock’s note below. Then, consider helping the publisher  get this amazing book in the hands of young activists. We need the need the next generation in the fight and this book is a great step towards that goal. You can learn more at Barclay Bryant Press.

Dear friends,

I want to tell you about a book I’ve just written, called Fight and Win: Brock Evans’s Strategies for the New Eco-Warrior, that will be released this fall. And I want to ask you to join me in the Fight and Win campaign, a grassroots blitz to get this guide into the hands of as many young activists as possible and at the same time support the Endangered Species Coalition.

I know a lot about fighting – I’m a proud U.S. Marine Corps veteran – and thanks to the decades I’ve spent fighting corporations and government bodies who are laying waste to our natural environment, poisoning our air, and driving hundreds of species into extinction every year, I’ve learned a lot about winning fights.

I’ve learned never to give up, and again and again my allies and I end up winning against seemingly-impossible odds. Fight and Win tells you, step by step, how my colleagues and I have managed to do it over and over and over again. A small group of ordinary people can prevail over the destructive plans of big money interests (and over the politicians who protect them) by using some simple but important tactics. Some strategies you might already know about. I guarantee that other strategies my friends and I have refined over the years will surprise you.

My generation in the conservation movement is proud – prouder than I can say! – of the thousands of young people who are as passionate as we old veterans are about saving our still-beautiful planet.

I’m talking about the new generation of eco-warriors, people committed to stepping in before it’s too late and protecting our natural environment from the greed of Big Oil, Big Timber, Big Mining, and other all-powerful corporate interests – as well as from the politicians who are busy selling off the irreplaceable natural resources of our country to the highest bidder. These companies’ goal? To make money for their stockholders, pure and simple, no matter the long-term cost to the American people – and to the countless plants and wildlife species who have just as much a right to live on our planet as we do.

I know there are armies of high school and college students and other young activists out there ready to kick ass to stop global warming and to remind the government that federal property belongs to the people, not to greedy and destructive private interests. If you can help by supporting this campaign, even with one dollar, you’ll be kicking along with us.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Brock Evans

6 comments on “Fight & Win

  1. I know no one who is more experienced and passionate about protecting our natural world than Brock Evans. He’s been an inspiration to me and many, many others in our work to protect all species from the disruptive and destructive actions of resource extraction companies, and developers whose only goal is profit. Brock has lived a life devoted to environmental activism, protection of wild ‘critters’, as well as the places they call home. Brock is one in a million. A man we all can learn from, be inspired by, and who can show us the way forward in the challenging years ahead. This book is a must for anyone concerned about leaving a world to our grandchildren rich in the diversity and beauty the natural world provides.

  2. I know of no more inspirational or eloquent speaker on environmental issues and strategies – or anyone who knows more about winning environmental fights – than Brock. Although we are of about the same generation, I have considered him a mentor (and I do not in any way mean to suggest that I have accomplished what he has). If his passion and knowledge come through in this book, it will be a very important step in carrying the movement forward.

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