The 2019 Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest was an amazing success with more than 1,100 entries from students around the United States. Thank you to everyone who entered!

A panel of judges made up of educators and art instructors recently undertook the very difficult process of narrowing all of the entries down to just 40 entries (10 for each grade category). These semi-finalist entries are below!


2019 Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

You can view them by grade category here:

Grades K-2

Grades 3-5

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12

We anticipate the judges of the final winners and the grand prize winner will have their decision ready for announcement by the 10th of April.

Thank you once again to all who participated in this year’s contest! We hope it was enriching to learn about these imperiled or recovered species and are awestruck by the artistic submissions.

Stay Informed!

3 comments on “Semi-finalists Chosen in 2019 Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

  1. No so many years ago the topics of the drawings of painters of this range of age were the equivalent to the Romanticism era in arts. Nowadays they are mature artistically and in character, they will be mature adults that will transform the world into a better place

    My best regards to these artists, with joy and respect

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