Corry Westbrook

The Endangered Species Act in 2021 The Trump Administration has rolled back more than 130 environmental safeguards, including those intended

Let’s Make This A Better Year for Wildlife!
If your New Year’s Resolution involved walking more gently on the planet, practicing compassion or being a more conscientious consumer
February 14, 2020 1 Comment

Wildlife Protection Legislation Advances in Congress
Today, the House Natural Resource Committee voted in favor of protecting wildlife, nature, and America’s legacy for future generations. We
January 29, 2020 3 Comments

endangered species act
Our House is On Fire
Every day we see more examples of wildlife being hurt and killed by climate change. In Australia, more than a billion native species have burned to death, including kangaroos and koalas. Fires in the rain forests of Malaysia and Brazil contribute to global warming and kill endangered orangutans and giant armadillos. Plants and animals are taking the horrific brunt of human excess and greed.
Sometimes I feel alone in my understanding of how terrible this crisis really is and how urgently we must act. People often seem apathetic and behave as though someone else will solve the problem.
But I am not alone. We are not alone.
January 24, 2020 No Comments

endangered species act
Rep Seth Moulton: “I’d undo all of these rules that have undermined a historic and bipartisan Act.”
Congressman Seth Moulton of Massachusetts was, until very recently, running for President. On Saturday, August 17th he was asked at the
August 29, 2019 No Comments

endangered species act
Interior finalizes Trump Extinction Plan
The Trump Administration, and the former Secretary of the Department of Interior, Ryan Zinke, are corrupt, riddled with conflicts-of-interest and under multiple-investigations. This Administration has just published final Endangered Species Act regulations. The regulations will undermine protections for our most imperiled wildlife. They will weaken biodiversity for decades and may drive species to extinction.
August 12, 2019 11 Comments

US Fish and Wildlife Service
Climate Change is Already Harming Imperiled Wildlife
In early January, one of the worst cold snaps in years hit Florida. Temperatures lingered around freezing in Brevard County, which is home to many Florida manatees. In a canal in Satellite Beach, nature fought back against the cold – in the form of hundreds of Florida manatees cuddling together for warmth.
March 2, 2018 No Comments