Endangered Species Coalition

Pair of gray wolves looking towards the viewer standing against blue sky backdrop

Wisconsin State Legislators New Bill on Wolves is Political Theater

Yesterday, Representatives Jarchow, Felzkowski, Quinn and Senator Tiffany circulated for co-sponsorship, LRB 3737/1 which would make it illegal for law enforcement to enforce state or federal law relating to management of wolves in Wisconsin. It also does not allow the Department of Natural Resources to expend any funds relating to wolf management other than paying claims under the endangered resources program for damage caused by wolves.

In Recognition of Half-Earth Day, Groups Host Conversation with E.O. Wilson and Members of Congress to Save America’s Biodiversity and Protect Wildlife Corridors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In recognition of the planet’s first Half-Earth Day, join Wildlands Network and partners for “Wildlife Corridors and
Endangered Species Coalition

Former Director of National Park Service Joins Endangered Species Coalition Board

Robert “Bob” Stanton, former Director of the National Park Service (NPS) and former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, has joined the board of directors of the Endangered Species Coalition, a well-regarded advocacy nonprofit working tirelessly to protect our nation’s natural heritage.

Overwhelming Support for the Endangered Species Act

Four hundred and twenty-five national, state, and local conservation groups sent a letter to the Senate and House leadership Thursday demonstrating their overwhelming support for the Endangered Species Act. Referencing the “unprecedented threat” faced by the Act in Congress, the groups strongly opposed any weakening of the Act under the guise of efforts to “modernize” or “reform” the Act. The groups—at least one from each of the 50 states—indicated that any “efforts to rewrite this law would prove disastrous for imperiled wildlife and should be strongly opposed.”
endangered species act

Statement on the Release of President Trump’s Budget

“The Trump budget makes devastating cuts to fish and wildlife conservation, including to the Endangered Species programs that help conserve and recover imperiled wildlife. While President Trump and his allies in Congress make a lot of noise about wanting to give states more opportunity to recover threatened and endangered species, the President’s budget does the exact opposite, by cutting millions of dollars from wildlife conservation programs that prevent species from declining to the point where they need Endangered Species protection.”

Trump Administration Pulls Out of Endangered Species Day Activities, Youth Wildlife Art Contest

UPDATE: The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service called us this morning to inform us that their previous communication was a mistake. They will remain committed to Endangered Species Day. It is our hope that this will be the largest Endangered Species Day celebration ever with many Fish and Wildlife Service offices participating. Events can be found at EndangeredSpeciesDay.org.