Endangered Species Coalition

endangered species

Memorial for Tahlequah’s Baby and J50: First We Mourn, Then We Organize

Memorial originally planned for baby Orca that mother Tahlequah carried for 17 days in grieving ritual, now additionally planned for 3-year old J50 (Scarlet).

WHAT: Memorial for J35 Tahlequah’s Baby and J50

WHEN: Friday, September 21 – Starting at 3:00pm – 7:00pm

WHERE: Occidental Square Park in Pioneer Square on the Traditional lands of the Duwamish Peoples, 117 S Washington St, Seattle, WA 98104. Procession to The Federal Building at 915 2nd Ave to begin at 5:00 PM calling for the removal of the Lower Snake River dams.


House Unleashes Barrage of Bills to Weaken Endangered Species Act

“Rep. Bishop and other anti-wildlife Republicans in Congress are not content to try and sell our beloved public lands, but have been relentless in their efforts to undermine our most important safety net for fish and wildlife on the brink of extinction. The Endangered Species Act is one of our most successful conservation laws, having prevented the disappearance of hundreds of imperiled species. Thanks to Endangered Species Act, humpback whales still swim our coasts and bald eagles still soar our skies. It sad that some members of Congress and the special interests they take money from wish to deny future generations of Americans the opportunity to enjoy our amazing wildlife.”
endangered species act

Wyoming GOP Senator Introduces Discussion Draft to Weaken Endangered Species Act

Today Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced a bill that would undermine one of America’s bedrock wildlife conservation laws, the Endangered Species Act. While the Act requires the best available science to be used in wildlife protection decisions, Senator Barrasso’s bill would subject wildlife protection decisions to political interference.

U.S. Congress Rejects More than a Dozen Provisions to Weaken the Endangered Species Act

  Today the House of Representatives voted and passed an Omnibus appropriations bill that largely rejected new policy provisions or amendments that would have weakened the Endangered Species Act. The bill’s release follows weeks of intense pressure from conservation groups on behalf of imperiled wildlife and late-night negotiations in the House and Senate. 

Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
Help Stop Extinction

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Your gift helps the Endangered Species Coalition protect wolves and other endangered species from the growing threats of habitat loss, climate change, and over exploitation.