Hailey Hawkins

ESC Member Organization Press Release
Contact: Hailey Hawkins, Southern Rockies Field Representative, Endangered Species Coalition hhawkins@endangered.org, 662-251-5804 Michael Dax, Western Program Director, Wildlands Network michael@wildlandsnetwork.org,

endangered species act
The Personal Side of Extinction: The Case of Orca Scarlet
By Marc Bekoff Ph.D. and reprinted with permission. This article originally appeared at Psychology Today. The word “extinction” is used
December 10, 2020 1 Comment

Latinx Heritage Month: Monarchs and the Mazahua
In the midst of Latinx Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15), the US Fish and Wildlife Service is deliberating
November 5, 2020 No Comments

Art and Advocacy in Action
At the Endangered Species Coalition, we know art is a powerful medium for change. We host an annual Saving Endangered
April 30, 2020 No Comments

Your 2019 Holiday Shopping List is Here!
The holiday season can be pretty tough on the planet. The miles of saran wrap, tissue and wrapping paper, gift bags, ribbon, and garland are just a few of the single-use products that permeate our winter festivities. To make matters worse, picking out presents for our loved ones can be stressful.
There are so many things to consider: Will they like it? Use it? Return it? Then there’s the environmental impact. Does the gift contain plastics?* Or palm oil?**
If you’re like me, you want your gifts to be thoughtful, useful, and good for the planet. But this isn’t always an easy task. That’s why we’ve put together a list of products and businesses to help make your yuletide decision-making a little easier!
December 11, 2019 1 Comment

endangered species act
Creating Connections for People and Wildlife
What is habitat connectivity and why does it matter? What is your favorite natural area- the one that makes you
June 4, 2019 No Comments

It’s that time again, y’all – #LoboWeek2019! It has been 21 years since the Mexican gray wolf (also referred to
March 21, 2019 7 Comments

endangered species act
Local Interests Come Together to Protect Threatened Jumping Mouse
I like to say that I work on the “people-side” of wildlife conservation. Most of the time, my days consist
November 1, 2018 1 Comment

endangered species act
Because #LoboWeek: 20th Anniversary Edition!
There’s never been a time in my life when wolves weren’t my favorite animal. I remember looking at a book
March 25, 2018 2 Comments

Wolves belong in Colorado
Wolves belong in Colorado. That’s why the Endangered Species Coalition, in collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project and other organizations, is working hard to educate the public on the need to reintroduce wolves to western Colorado and restore the balance that has been lost.
January 12, 2018 3 Comments