Mitch Merry


The Wisdom of Wolves

On March 6th, Jim and Jamie Dutcher released their new book, The Wisdom of Wolves: Lessons from the Sawtooth Pack (published by National Geographic). This book could not be more welcome, both as inspiration and educational tool, at this time of great uncertainty for America’s wolves.

endangered species act

Don’t “Modernize” the Endangered Species Act, Just Fund It!

This is a guest post from Rick Lamplugh. Rick is an author and wildlife advocate from Gardiner, Montana.


The Endangered Species Coalition is bringing me and a number of other advocates to Washington, D.C. for a couple days to lobby for the Endangered Species Act. I respect the work of this national coalition of hundreds of conservation-minded organizations, and I’m glad to go. To prepare, I’m researching and writing. Here’s some of what I’ve found.

Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
Help Stop Extinction

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Your gift helps the Endangered Species Coalition protect wolves and other endangered species from the growing threats of habitat loss, climate change, and over exploitation.