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Congressional Attacks on Endangered Species, New ESC Film on Colorado Wolves, Honoring Pete McCloskey and Chalk Art Contest Winners and More – The Saving Species Newsletter – Summer 2024

The Saving Species Newsletter – Summer 2024 Congressional Attacks on Endangered Species, New ESC Film on Colorado Wolves, Honoring Pete

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House Unleashes Barrage of Bills to Weaken Endangered Species Act

“Rep. Bishop and other anti-wildlife Republicans in Congress are not content to try and sell our beloved public lands, but have been relentless in their efforts to undermine our most important safety net for fish and wildlife on the brink of extinction. The Endangered Species Act is one of our most successful conservation laws, having prevented the disappearance of hundreds of imperiled species. Thanks to Endangered Species Act, humpback whales still swim our coasts and bald eagles still soar our skies. It sad that some members of Congress and the special interests they take money from wish to deny future generations of Americans the opportunity to enjoy our amazing wildlife.”
Endangered Species Act

Wyoming GOP Senator Introduces Discussion Draft to Weaken Endangered Species Act

Today Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced a bill that would undermine one of America’s bedrock wildlife conservation laws, the Endangered Species Act. While the Act requires the best available science to be used in wildlife protection decisions, Senator Barrasso’s bill would subject wildlife protection decisions to political interference.

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