15 Actions to Help Protect the Endangered Species Act

There are a variety of ways you can help to protect the Endangered Species Act (ESA, The Act). For example:

  1. Learn about the Endangered Species Act (ESA): the background, purpose, success stories, critical issues and other topics. Also learn about your local threatened and endangered species and how you can help them recover.
  2. Write a letter to your local newspaper editor regarding the importance of protecting the Act.
  3. Attend meetings of your city/county organizations and state wildlife commissions that plan to discuss environmental-related issues. Whenever appropriate, voice your opinion about the benefits of the ESA to protect your local/regional species. 
  4. E-mail your member of Congress or Senator, urging them to preserve the ESA.
  5. Call your congressional members’ Environmental Affairs Directors to share your concern about potential changes to the ESA.
  6. Tweet your Congressional representative about the ESA’s critical role, especially when bills or other measures are being considered that might have a negative effect.
  7. Display/distribute fliers and other material regarding the ESA at environmental fairs, other opportunities (See the Endangered Species Coalition’s Infographics in the Endangered Species Day website Toolbox: www.endangeredspeciesday.org
  8. Invite a biologist, ecologist, environmental group leader or other expert to speak about the ESA during your community group meeting.
  9. Organize an Endangered Species Day event, during which you can highlight the ESA.
  10. Vote in every election at all levels. Be aware of the candidates’ positions regarding the ESA and vote accordingly.
  11. Volunteer on campaigns of those candidates who support the ESA.
  12. If you’re able, donate money to candidates who support the ESA.
  13. Assist with Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities, from registration to offering rides to voters.
  14. Approach candidates in public gatherings and other forums and ask how they will support the ESA.
  15. Biology/science teachers can discuss the ESA in their classrooms.

