

Youth Innovators for Endangered Species Conservation

One of the most critical pieces in addressing endangerment of global species is to develop and apply innovative conservation solutions. Innovative solutions to the accelerating loss of species are rooted in creative, outside the box thinking – while still being practical and attainable when applied to conservation problems in the real world. The recent IPBES report on biodiversity indicated that “transformative change” is needed to address the crisis of biodiversity loss. Innovative conservation solutions are just that: a change in the way we think about and approach conservation.
endangered species act

Southern Resident Killer Whales Need More Protection – Expanded Critical Habitat is Needed Now!

The time is now to expand the Southern Residents’ critical habitat! If they are to survive and recover to healthy, self sustaining populations, they have to have the places they live and feed protected, reduced toxins in their waters, ample salmon as a food source, and reduced sound levels for communication.