Over 180 people gathered yesterday at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commission meeting in Fort Collins, CO, to discuss the two proposed carnivore killing studies in the Piceance Basin and the Upper Arkansas River.  Despite vocal public opposition and their questionable scientific rationalizations, the CPW Commission unanimously voted to approve the killing studies.

42 public testimonies were given at this meeting; 17 in favor and 25 opposing.

Public outcry has been pouring in for months.  Between the Endangered Species Coalition, the Humane Society of the United States, WildEarth Guardians, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Sierra Club, just under 9,000 communications have been sent to the Commission opposing these studies.  This does not include letters sent directly from individuals to the Commission, numerous op-eds (Denver Post, Daily Camera, and the Coloradoan, to name a few), and articles (like this one: Denver Post) in local papers.

During the meeting, it was confirmed that these two studies will cost $4.5 million over the next nine years.  A curious move for an agency with a projected budget shortfall of “between $15 million and $23 million by 2023.”

Jeff Van Steeg, CPW’s Assistant Director of Policy and Planning, rationalized the studies in his presentation by saying that CPW has done predator management before, 3 times in fact – twice in 2011 and once in 2013.  When asked about the findings of these prior projects, he reluctantly said that no valid conclusions could be made whether lethally removing predators helped the prey populations.  Sound familiar?

As a result of the unanimous vote, this winter CPW will “move ahead in their experiment to use cage traps, culvert traps, foot snares and hunting dogs to immobilize mountain lions and bears. Then those caught would be shot (Denver Post).”  

Even with their shaky scientific rationalizations and strong public opposition, the Commission still approved the studies. However, let’s not forget the appointment of the 11 voting members of the Commission is not balanced to represent the values of Coloradans, both rural and urban alike.

Four people during the public comment period, all in favor of the studies, said that there is no room for emotions, that only science should be considered when deliberating the studies.  A brave woman, who opposed the studies, explained that “emotion tells us when something is wrong.”  I feel that now.  Something is wrong.  When our public agencies prioritize disrupting ecosystems and killing wildlife over sound science and public opinion, something is very wrong.

We will continue to vocally oppose these killing studies despite the vote.  We will continue to close the ideological gap separating “us” from “them.”

8 comments on “CPW Commission Unanimously Approves Killing Studies, Despite Public Outcry

  1. Please please do not kill your wildlife. They were here first and have the right to live. I am considering moving to Colorado from New Jersey because we kill bears. Please do not cancel my plans with killing your wildlife

  2. This decision by CPW is one of the most lame decisions they have ever made. They tried this before and the outcome was inconclusive. The only thing that’s going to happen is the deer will overgraze their area. Hunters don’t harvest enough deer anyway.
    There is a reason why some areas don’t have as many deer as others and it’s not predators. Nature dictates the pray/predator balance and it should be left alone!

  3. Thank you ESA for trying to stop this cruel, ineffective, and unnecessary “study” from going forward.
    I can only hope that enough public pressure will shame them into ending the “study”early. But, I’m not holding my breath.
    Keep up the good work!

  4. As an apex predator, bears are an important species in preservation of the entire ecosystem. To destroy one species will lead to an imbalance of others.

  5. I don t live over there but I know this is all sounds like bs excuse to allow for hunting and trapping to be carried out legally.

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