The 10th annual Endangered Species Day is May 15th, 2015. The Endangered Species Coalition led the effort in establishing Endangered Species Day when the Senate first officially recognized it through a resolution in 2006. 

We have come a very long way since then! Thousand of young people participate in the annual Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest  and there are nearly 200 events scheduled in at least 42 statesincluding six events in U.S. National Parks. In Washington, D.C. we are celebrating Endangered Species Day on Capitol Hill at the U.S. Botanic Garden and through 7 other area events.

Find an Endangered Species Day event near you! There are events at zoos, museums, parks, aquariums, community centers, schools, and neighborhood gardens. 

Milkweed planting at DC Urban Greens Endangered Species Day event. Photo credit Amanda Milster, ESC.
Milkweed planting at DC Urban Greens Endangered Species Day event. Photo credit Amanda Milster, ESC.

On Endangered Species Day, we celebrate the conservation successes like American alligators, California condors, bald eagles, brown pelicans, and the many other species on the path to recovery thanks to the Endangered Species Act.

Additionally, this year’s Endangered Species Day is bringing special focus to the plight of monarch butterflies. The widespread destruction of milkweed has led to alarming declines in their numbers. To address this, many Endangered Species Day events organized by the Endangered Species Coalition are including the construction of milkweed “seed bombs” in the day’s agenda. By planting milkweed around the country, we can help monarchs begin to recover. You can find instructions for making a milkweed seed bomb here.

If you are unable to make it to an event in person, you can still take part through individual conservation actions, by taking these 10 easy steps to protect endangered species, or by telling your friends! 

Send an e-card:

Send a polar bear e-cardSend a wolf e-card

Send a black-footed ferret



If you’re on Twitter, show your support for endangered species by tweeting about Endangered Species Day or take part in the Tweetstorm or Thunderclap asking President Obama to #LeadThePack and protect wolves! 


I’m tweeting for wolves with @endangered this #ESDay. See how you can take part!

I’m tweeting for polar bears with @endangered this #ESDay. See how you can take part!

I’m tweeting for black-footed ferrets with @endangered this #ESDay. See how you can take part!

Update: You can see some of our favorite Endangered Species Day social media posts on our Storify.

Stay Informed!

23 comments on “Endangered Species Day 2015

  1. ~Entire species of animals and plants will begin to disappear from this world. The disappearances of these life forms will further throw nature into chaos, as the balance of things will alter drastically. If humankind does not change and adapt to the wakeup call and begin to see their true relationship to the Earth and Her creatures, if they do not recognize their role as guardian, then our troubles will worsen”
    ~Last Cry, Native American Prophecies~

  2. A newly released study indicates that 1 in 6 species is threatened by global warming. Incredibly, this isn’t the most immediate concern. Some 70 billion farmed animals worldwide not only devour edible forage in a given area, but trample much not to their liking. Ecosystems are degraded, precious water is lost and polluted, as species are pushed to an extinction rate over 1,000 times greater than normal.

    As Worldwatch Institute reports, “the human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future: deforestation, erosion, fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change [and] biodiversity loss.”

    Animal agriculture is decimating the natural world! We need caring committed people to switch to vegan foods and ask others to do likewise. Remember — there is no planet B.

    1. don’t the asshole politicians realize, that if they wanna fight climate change, & everything else that’s good on planet earth, they should STOP the ANIMAL AGRICULTURE BUSINESSES. Wake up, or are you too afraid of the meat industries, that will cut back the donations that you receive from them ??????? is money & votes all you guys think about ????????

  3. All life on earth is endangered because of the human animal! WE are the worst animal on this planet, we destroy all we touch, we kill everything that lives even our own children, we pollute everything else, we are the only beast in the field!

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Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
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