As we head into some uncertainty of the impact COVID-19 will have over the next month or so, the Endangered Species Coalition is taking steps to ensure the work of protecting the Endangered Species Act and all native wildlife continues.

ESC is abiding by CDC recommendations of not attending or assembling large gatherings. We are fortunate to be able to direct our staff across the country to telework from home. Our team is still mobilizing grassroots power, using creative alternatives allowing activists and member groups to speak up, and out, against the Trump Administration’s repeated and reckless attacks on the environment. We continue to be in contact with members of Congress about the PAW and FIN Act–the bill that would reverse the ESA Administrative rollbacks–and to advocate for robust funding for ESA protections. Our Endangered Species Day outreach continues with a focus on educational materials that children can enjoy at home and school. Because of you and your continuous support, we have been able to put the infrastructure in place to make this happen. We want to say thank you for helping us ensure that we can continue to advocate for plants and animals.

We are all in this together. At the same time, our staff is doing what we can, when we can, to support members of our broader community who are most impacted and hope that you will too. We are here for you should you have any questions about the work we continue to do.


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