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Happy Endangered Species Day!

Today, May 19, is Endangered Species Day. The annual celebration raises awareness about endangered fish, wildlife, and plants and mobilizes action to protect these species. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), making this year’s event extra momentous. In celebration of America’s foremost imperiled species protection law, the American Bird Conservancy Action Fund produced a report. Continue reading to learn more about the report.

Take Action

Before you keep reading on, we urge you to pause and send a message to your members of Congress about the ESA. Your voice is important for advancing bird conservation, especially for imperiled species. There is no better way to celebrate Endangered Species Day than by taking action on behalf of species in need!

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New Report Celebrates 50 Years of the Endangered Species Act

American Bird Conservancy Action Fund is thrilled to announce the release of the “Celebrating 50 Years of the Endangered Species Act” report. We produced this report to coincide with the celebration of National Endangered Species Day and the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The ESA was passed with broad bipartisan support in 1973. Then-president Richard Nixon signed the bill into law. Today the ESA represents what successful conservation looks like. For species on the brink of extinction, the ESA is invaluable. Species such as the Bald Eagle, Palau Ground Dove, and Black-capped Vireo have benefited from ESA recovery plans.

Our report sheds light on the ESA’s record of success and considers ways the law can be strengthened in the future. As birds face unprecedented threats, a strong ESA will be critical for ensuring biodiversity thrives.

“Throughout its history, the Endangered Species Act has safeguarded Endangered and Threatened avian species,” said Steve Holmer, ABC and ABC Action Fund Vice President of Policy. “The laws’ significance remains unwavering in the face of political and ecological threats. American Bird Conservancy Action Fund will continue to work to remove political barriers and advance bird conservation through the ESA.”

Among the many successes outlined in the report is the recent delisting of the Black-capped Vireo, Kirtland’s Warbler, and Interior Least Tern from the ESA. These species serve as examples of how ESA recovery plans produce tangible conservation results.

The report also emphasizes that species continue to need ESA protection. For instance, the Greater Sage-Grouse, Gunnison Sage-Grouse, and Hawaiian Honeycreepers require the ESA to help avoid extinction. Better oversight of pesticides is another way ESA protections can be strengthened.

“Given the escalating threat of toxic pesticides to Threatened and Endangered species, the Endangered Species Act’s role in safeguarding birds and their habitats becomes increasingly indispensable,” said Hardy Kern, ABC’s Birds and Pesticides Campaign Director of Government Relations. “Proper assessment of these toxic chemicals is imperative to protecting species.”

The Endangered Species Act is a testament to the power of bipartisan lawmaking and its vital role in bird conservation. The celebration of the ESA’s 50th anniversary is a reminder to Congress to continue protecting birds through the ESA. American Bird Conservancy Action Fund looks forward to sharing this message with bird conservation champions over the coming year.

To read our report, click here or visit our resources page.

birders rally

Event: Birders’ Rally for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Join the American Bird Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, The Cornell Lab, and Audubon virtually on Tuesday, May 23rd at 12 pm ET to rally in support of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act! Your participation in the event will help urge Congress to take action. Click here to register for the event. More information is on Facebook.


To learn more about our work, visit abcbirdsactionfund.org.

Photo credit: Florida Scrub-Jay, James Lyon/USFWS; Bald Eagles, Tom Koerner/USFWS.

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