As part of the national day of action for wolves, around 50 wolf-supporters from Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. were at the White House, along with our spokeswolf, “Journey”.
Journey, if you’re not familiar, is named after the Oregon-born wolf OR-7 who ventured into California last year marking the first wolf in that state in nearly a century.

The gathered assembly of dedicated wolf supporters heard from a pair of inspiring young people who voiced their hopes that Secretary Jewell would reconsider the proposed coast-to-coast delisting of gray wolves. Following them, a statement from Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) supporting continued protections for wolves was read, saying in part that “it would be disastrous for wolf recovery and ecosystems should U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services delist the wolf.”
At noon, we howled!
You can see more photos of the D.C. event here, including Journey’s trip to the Department of Interior.
While we hope our “howls” were heard, there’s a lot of work left to do if this proposed delisting is going to be stopped. We’ve set a goal of one million comments opposing this rule and we’re almost half way there. If you haven’t already, please take action by submitting your comment to Interior Secretary Jewell. We’ll deliver them in person at the close of the public comment period, which is just under one month away.
You can find out more about wolves and the proposed delisting at
1 comment on “Wolf advocates at the White House! Were our howls heard?”
Why are you fooling these children. You are killing slaughtering the Wolfs. You proclaim to be saving an endangered species. Your a bunch of liars. Stop telling these figs of how wonderful you are to the children. Shame on you!!!!!!