Janice Walrafen

Janice is an artist and teacher in Plainfield, Vermont.

Janice resides along the Winooski River in Plainfield Vermont She grew up in the Senoran desert of Arizona with her artist/potter mother and two sisters. She takes after her mom and makes a living as an artist. Janice co-creates AllTogetherNow! Community Arts Center in East Montpelier, with Ellen Leonard. Ellen is the director of the awesome preschool at AllTogetherNow! And teaches family music classes. Together they teach summer camp and produce our community seasonal pageants, parades and puppet shows. Janice has her Art Tiles clay studio, classroom, puppets and share community gardens at AllTogetherNow! The mission is to be an inspiration and model for sustainable living and celebration.

“Humans are an extension of the land, not separate from its resources that nurture and support all life. We are gifted with the power to manifest all we can imagine, with our hands hearts and minds. We have a choice to live and work in harmony with the forces of Nature, living and dying in the cycles of the earth’s rotation within the universe, or attempt to dominate them, which is a kind of warfare on all of life and our planet’s life support system. The Endangered Species Act is a legal front line defense against the rampant slaughter of the earth’s rich resources for profit and power. The Endangered Species Act is critically important to the survival of biological diversity and healthy ecosystems, which in turn, ensure the survival of human beings. Pesticides are a cause of environmental pollution, human health hazards, species mutation, and elimination. They too need to be considered when ensuring species survival under the ESA. We have a choice and we can choose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. No room for warfare in that equation. We can celebrate the mystery and beauty of creation using our hearts, minds and hands to bring forth a world of peace and justice for all. These are not just words or ideas they are actions we make every step we take.”
