Paul Dali

Paul Dali is a Venture Capital CEO from Scottsdale, Arizona.

Because I’ve worked and traveled extensively before I retired, and now as a board member, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have fishing and hunting to fall back on and refuel. Enjoying the beautiful environment, seeing fabulous fish, watching birds, walking with my dog and wife while hunting, is without a doubt an enjoyment for me that has no substitute. It totally rehabilitates my soul, and most importantly, keeps me humble.

As competitive use of resources continue to mount, it’s obvious water uses and private land protection will become more complex. It’s our job to be the ” custodian” of our beautiful environment and ecosystem. That means being active in the politics of the situation, and being the champion of ” nature” that can’t fight back.. This is how we, and future generations, can continue to walk with our dog, fish a beautiful stream, watch a flock of geese, see a herd of Elk, all is one afternoon. It’s our job to protect the future!

Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
Help Stop Extinction

Protect endangered species

Your gift helps the Endangered Species Coalition protect wolves and other endangered species from the growing threats of habitat loss, climate change, and over exploitation.