Pro-wolf billboards and radio campaign launched to remove wolf hunting from Minnesota DNR’s Proposed Wolf Plan

August 4, 2022
CONTACT: Dr. Maureen Hackett, Howling For Wolves, 612.250.5915 or Leslie Rosedahl,, 651.353.1818

Pro-wolf billboards and radio campaign launched to remove wolf hunting from Minnesota DNR’s Proposed Wolf Plan

(St. Paul, Minn.) – This week Minnesota-based wolf advocacy organization Howling For Wolves launched a major billboard and radio campaign encouraging wolf supporters to comment on the MN Department of Natural Resources draft wolf plan. The draft plan contains wolf trophy hunting and trapping as an option, as well as “research-based” wolf trapping and killing.

The 50 billboards (graphic below) are a call to action at “” where supporters can comment on the proposed plan and support the wolf. A 30-second radio ad is on several FM radio stations. Listen to the ad here. 

Stop the Hunt in Minnesota Billboard

Howling For Wolves Founder and President Dr. Maureen Hackett said, “Because this plan is for the future and will be in place for decades, we’re working to have public wolf hunting and trapping removed. We are asking people to speak up for the wolf.” 

“Minnesota can do better with a 100% nonlethal plan that can prevent conflicts with livestock. We can leave wolves undisturbed to function as social packs. As apex carnivores and social animals, wolves control their own pack sizes and territories without human interference. Minnesota’s wolf packs are currently the smallest size ever measured at just over three wolves per pack.” 

“The new proposed wolf plan is based on a false belief that wolf killing is controllable and that the effects are predictable. Yet government agencies cannot control the majority of wolf killing.  And with legal wolf killing comes even more illegal wolf killing. The state of Minnesota can be a model for the rest of the country and demonstrate we do not need to routinely kill wolves.”

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is currently collecting the public’s input so the “DNR can effectively evaluate how the wolf management plan is working and identify what may need to be improved.” Comments are due on Monday, August 8 by 5 PM CDT through an online survey, email to, or post mail comments to Wolf Plan, Box 20, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155.


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