Senator and General Honored for Endangered Species Protection

Last week, the Endangered Species Coalition honored Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Major General Michael Lehnert of the U.S. Marine Corps for their leadership in the protection and restoration of America’s endangered wildlife, fish and plants. Awards were given to Major General Lehnert and a staff representative for Senator Feinstein at a reception in Georgetown.

Senator Feinstein – Champion Award for Public Service
The Endangered Species Coalition chose Senator Feinstein for its Champion Award for Public Service to recognize her commitment to celebrating Endangered Species Day by leading a Senate resolution each year since its inception four years ago and for her efforts to restore science in endangered species protections earlier this year. “Senator Feinstein has demonstrated commitment to educating Americans about the benefits of protecting our nation’s endangered wildlife, fish and plants and has been a leader in ensuring their protection,” said Leda Huta, executive director of the Endangered Species Coalition.

Major General Lehnert – Champion Award for Habitat Protection
Major General Lehnert was most recently the Commanding General of Marine Corps Installations West, the regional command for seven Marine Corps installations in Southern California and Arizona. Prior to that, he was the Commanding Officer of Marine Corps base Camp Pendleton. Camp Pendleton has 18 threatened or endangered species, including the California least tern, least Bell’s vireo, Pacific pocket mouse, and arroyo toad. “Major General Lehnert has been a champion of environmental stewardship within the Marine Corps, believing that it is possible to get the Marines combat-ready while still being a good steward,” stated Huta. “The restoration activities under Major General Lehnert to benefit at-risk species on Camp Pendleton are a great example of that ideal put into action.”

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