Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) just introduced a bill that could mean the end of North Atlantic right whales.

Senator Manchin’s proposed bill would block wildlife professionals from issuing emergency rules to prevent boats and ships from striking whales. These rules are in the process of being finalized by the agency in charge of protecting endangered marine species: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Every day lost to delay is a day closer to extinction for this species. North Atlantic right whales number fewer than 350 worldwide and gruesome boat strikes, such as that which killed the whale calf pictured above, are leading causes of their deaths.

Senator Manchin’s bill would block NOAA from protecting these whales.

Please look up your senators’ phone numbers here and call those offices and ask that they oppose Senator Manchin’s bill, S.1833 the Protecting Whales, Human Safety, and the Economy Act of 2023.:

You can use these talking points when calling your senators’ offices:

  • Please do everything in your power to stop Senator Manchin’s bill S. 1833, the Protecting Whales, Human Safety, and the Economy Act of 2023.
  • NOAA is in the final stages of releasing strong regulations needed to protect North Atlantic right whales from extinction. This bill would toss those carefully crafted regulations aside and silence thousands of voices who have said they support these new restrictions in favor of protecting special interests.
  • This bill also dangerously undermines agency independence and is a major overstep of Congressional power. We must respect the regulatory process NOAA has undertaken, because their process will prioritize what is best for right whales and our ocean economy.
  • Please vote NO and do everything in your power to stop S. 1833, the so-called “Protecting Whales, Human Safety, and the Economy Act of 2023.”

Please report your call or calls when you have made them so that we can measure our impact.

Photo credit Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission

3 comments on “Stop Senator Manchin’s attack on endangered whales

  1. Protect endangered whales. There is no reason not to do that. Why is Joe Manchin not supporting protecting whales from ships hitting them ? He wants to stop NOAA from protecting endangered whales. This is not sustainable or moral. I strongly oppose Joe Manchin’s attempts to stop protections for endangered whale.

  2. Senator Manchin,
    What gives you the right to essentially single-handedly endanger a rare whale. Oh I know, it’s your pandering. Silly me

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