Congress is preparing to vote on the annual bill to set budget and policies for the Department of Defense as soon as next week. Unfortunately, some members of Congress are using this must-pass legislation as a way to push attacks on endangered species.

Email your U.S. Representative and ask that they reject attacks on endangered species in the Defense budget bill.

The amendments or “riders” that are most concerning are:

  • Representative Andy Biggs is seeking to exempt the entire U.S. Military from complying with the Endangered Species Act. During the debate over last year’s defense budget bill last year, this measure failed 193-237 when offered as an amendment. If Congress allowed this to pass, it would threaten scores of imperiled species.
  • Representative Matt Gaetz has proposed allowing the Air Force to use “live or inert impact weapons or aerial gunnery” in proximity to highly-endangered Rice’s whales that may cause injury or death–despite the Air Force not requesting this exemption.
  • Representative Earl “Buddy” Carter is attempting to block funding for a rule that would require boat operators to obey speed limits in known right whale habitat. Boat strikes are a leading cause of death to this critically-endangered species and blocking speed limits would likely result in more killings of right whales.

Your Representative needs to know that you do not support these attacks on endangered species. These measures have no place in this must-pass legislation.

North Atlantic right whales and Rice’s whales are among the most endangered species on the planet. These attacks could push them even closer to extinction and prevent any progress in bringing them back. Please email your U.S. Representative today to tell them to oppose these amendments.

Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.


Susan Holmes
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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2 comments on “Tell your Representative: NO attacks on endangered species in the Defense bill

  1. As if often stated, there is a circle of life. Abolish one thing, you destroy another. If you want the human species to live, you must protect the ocean and its natural inhabitants, to keep that circle flowing.

  2. North Atlantic right whales and Rice’s whales are among the most endangered species on the planet. These attacks could push them even closer to extinction and prevent any progress in bringing them back. Our tax dollars should never go toward harming any life form on this sacred Earth, or her elements that allow Life to live. We must end Animal Ag, provide plant-based alternatives that satisfy the most ardent animal – killer’ animal consumer; rid this planet of “cides” toxinns p[lastics, poisons, radioactive wastes and the like. We have the $ and the capacity to implement green alternatives to almost everything we currently consume and use. Earth is losing her life forms. We must restore the climate bring back the populations of wild life, insects. Supplements of krill and fish oil etc are also destroying the survival abilities of our relatives of the sea. Stop taking for granted all life forms as if they are here to be disregarded, disrespected bused, killed, made to suffer, lose the natural freedoms that Nature provides. We are WRONG to defeat Nature’s ability to provide for all.

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