Leaders at Every Level Ask President Biden to Protect Wolves in the Northern Rockies #RelistWolvesNow
BOISE, Ida. — Jane Goodall, Timberline High School students, hunters, tribal leaders, and the former Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who removed protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies, are among the numerous voices in a new video asking President Biden to act on his own words and reinstitute federal protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies (RelistWolvesNow.Org).
Wolves are once again being persecuted under state management in Idaho and Montana. Idaho is allowing the killing of newborn pups and nursing mothers in their dens and Montana is allowing hunters to bait wolves from Yellowstone and kill them after they step across the border onto state land. Killing pups and habituated wolves is not hunting: it is brutal extermination. But we can stop it.
This extermination campaign must stop. These are just a few of the thousands of people who are speaking out asking President Biden to emergency list wolves in the Northern Rockies under the Endangered Species Act.
Jane Goodall: “When I heard that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is planning a 12-month review of the effect of delisting wolves in the Northern Rockies, I was horrified because this means that the ongoing cruelty could be sanctioned for a whole year while they gather statistical data.”
Lee Juan Tyler, Shosone-Bannock Tribes council member: “I am in support of protecting our relatives, our brothers, the wolf. “Isha,” we call him in our language. It’s time. He needs protection again.”
Timberline High School Outdoor Science Club Members: “Since the enactment of Senate bill 1211, we have witnessed the inhumane slaughter of our innocent wolf pups, and almost every individual in the Timberline pack. Their senseless murders were both unethical and barbaric.”
Dan Ashe, former director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, president and CEO of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums: “What’s happening now in Idaho and Montana isn’t hunting. It is pure unbridled cruelty. Anyone who participates is no hunter and certainly no sportsman or woman. Any individual or organization that doesn’t speak out in clear opposition is no conservationist.”
James Holt, Nez Perce tribal wildlife advocate, Idaho: “It’s time for the federal government to reinstitute protections for the wolf; to begin to honor him once again with appropriate management and protections.”
Senator Cory Booker, New Jersey: “We must take action now to prevent the second eradication of wolves in the West. We urge the Secretary to immediately enact an emergency relisting of the Northern Rockies wolf population under the Endangered Species Act. You have the power to stop this ruthless destruction of wolves.”
Coyote Peterson, Wildlife educator and host of Animal Planet series, Brave the Wild: “So please, we’re asking you: get involved and help stop the unnecessary hunting and poaching of these important predators. Thank you, Mr. President. I know that our words will be heard. Wolves need us to howl for them.”
Aspen Heidekruger, Animal Caretaker, Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, a wildlife sanctuary: “This persecution of wolves shouldn’t be happening, especially not on our federal public lands. Our lands should be managed based on good science, not 19th century brutality.”
The message from these leaders is clear: It is time for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to put a stop to this extermination campaign and emergency list the Northern Rockies wolves under the Endangered Species Act. An emergency listing will put an immediate halt to this barbaric effort to exterminate wolves in these states and allow the Service time to implement a formal listing.
There can be no doubt that these two states have illustrated through their laws and actions that they are not fit to manage wolves.
Contact: Cindy Hoffman, International Wildlife Coexistence Network, (202) 489-5587, cindy@wildlifecoexistence.org; Michel Liao, Timberline High School Student, (208) 995-7613; michel.liao22@gmail.com; James Holt, (208) 791-3306, Buffalo@buffalofieldcampaign.org; Rob Vernon, Association of Zoos and Aquariums (202) 365-7612, rvernon@aza.org
11 comments on “Leaders at Every Level Ask President Biden to Protect Wolves in the Northern Rockies #RelistWolvesNow”
Please relist wolves now
The government need to protect these beautiful wolves before it is to late to reverse the damage. The wolves are not just good for the economy. They are more important to the ecosystem. We need them, just as much as they need our protection.
Wolves are an integral part of a very complex ecosystem, never mind that they are sentient beings who have their own families/packs. This is a giveaway to farmers and ranchers. There needs to be a way for them to co-habitate. There’s no place for Big Ag anymore for SOOOOO many reasons.
Biden, if he doesn’t relist wolves, he’s a part of the murdering of OUR Wolves! Sorry, but the TRUTH if he doesn’t come through!
Beautiful wolves were here long before humans and they should be here long after we are gone !!!!!
Time is of the essence, no excuses. Our wolves will always need protection because their numbers are small and the organizations and politicians pushing the eradication of the wolf is unconstitutional and non sustainable. Politicians take an oath to uphold the the Public Trust Law for all, not just hunters, poachers and politicians paid off to eradicate a species for their own personal interests.
One of the reasons I voted for Biden was because he was for environmental causes & thought he would show compassion for the wolf & other wildlife, very disappointed!
how dare Biden do yet another horrible example by removing the Gray Wolves and allow them to be slaughtered…..
I’m amazed at how illogical, unscientific, over-reactive the actions being allowed in Idaho and Montana are, especially with the programs being run in Montana and Idaho where ranchers are having success co-existing with wolves. I’m also amazed at the amount of tax payer money being spent on bounties. If money was given for lost live stock and herding dogs actually injured or killed by wolves, the cost would be comparatively minimal. I believe, although I believe the state should have authority in this area because of how irrational the extermination approach is I would encourage the wolves should be relisted under the endangered species act.
I voted for you Biden because I thought you knew better and were going to do better for US. Not just you. But US and that includes the health of our planet…which you said you would defend…but you aren’t. I am fairly disappointed in you and you will lose me as a supporter if you do not relist the wolves. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the crucical roles wolves play in our ecosystems. What you are allowing is mindless slaughter.