For Immediate Release 

Feb 12, 2025

Contact: Susan Holmes- (202)329-1553 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Wednesday, reports emerged that Donald Trump has nominated former Wyoming Game and Fish Director Brian Nevsik as the next Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 

Nesvik’s nomination has been referred to the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the federal agency charged with protecting endangered species and migratory birds and manages nearly 860 million acres of national wildlife refuges. Roughly 8,000 people work to carry out its mission to “conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats…”

Statement by Susan Holmes, Executive Director 

“Nesvik’s nomination is devastating news for wildlife and endangered species. During his time as Director of Wyoming Fish and Game, he repeatedly called for weakening the Endangered Species Act, oversaw a 50% increase in hunting tags for mountain lions and black bears, and testified before the U.S. Congress that grizzly bears should lose endangered species protections, “by whatever means is necessary.” Last year, his Commission received global condemnation for imposing only a minimal fine when a Wyoming man used a snowmobile to run down and brutally torture a young female wolf. There is no doubt that if confirmed as Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, he will do the Trump Administration’s bidding to advance unchecked drilling, mining, and logging of fragile wildlife habitats. He will sacrifice our precious endangered species for industry profits at every turn. It will be a war on wildlife that will wreak havoc on the protection and recovery of species from grizzlies to sea turtles to monarch butterflies.”

13 comments on “Trump Administration Declares a War on Wildlife with Nomination of Brian Nesvik

  1. You are sadly wrong about about Brian Nesvik. He has devoted his life for the protection, preservation and conservation of all wildlife working with sound scientific wildlife management programs. Shame on you for twisting the facts to meet your agenda.

    1. fuck trump and these maga pussies who make themselves feel big like killing innocent animals just like his worthless coke head pos son! time to organize our own march on washington and let the dumbass see what hundreds of thousands of pissed off people look like!

  2. I couldn’t agree more. I would encourage everyone who respects God’s natural design to write their representatives and question whether this man is just another ‘It’s my right to destroy, kill, and maim for fun” or whether he truly respects the natural balance and can approach issues with a bipartisan solution rather than a bar room solution.

    1. I doubt she’s twisting anything, has no reason to. Trump calls all animals worthless, he would appoint someone who to support his $$& agendas. You must be a troll.

    2. You have no idea what you are talking about. I doubt you have ever lived in the environment where some forms of wildlife destroy farming animals over & over again, risking lives of humans & livestock & nothing can be done to stop it. It’s devastating, costly & dangerous.

  3. This is a horrible choice! He is not in any way a wildlife advocate. He allows people to kill animals by running them over that is a sign of a sign of a demented human. Please do not put him in charge of wildlife and fish

  4. The most devastating news yet, out of a lot of devastating news, since 1/20/25 — “a day that will live in infamy.”

  5. When species recover they should be removed from federal protection. There are plenty of grizzlies and wolves now. I think Brian will do a great job.

    1. Yeah what if that order came back on humans? Bet you wouldn’t like that would you? I know I wouldn’t! And who are you or the rest of us to decide on animal numbers? If you don’t like it move somewhere else

    2. Who are you to say they recovered? Recovered according to what? The reduced habitats they have -we caused? They used to roam free now reduced to very partitioned lands. And what do you want to do, kill them? With a gun like cowards, at least give a fair fight which you won’t. We enjoy them running free and don’t want you to kill our wild life.

    3. Where are the facts showing the numbers to back your statement that we “have plenty of grizzlies and wolves now”? That sounds like an estimation you made up. And the man you say will do a good job clearly had no regards for animal welfare when he let Cody Roberts off with a $250 fine for torturing an animal to death. If you’re going to kill an animal in the name of overpopulation, at least do it quick where they don’t suffer. That was just sick and demented.

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