Unprecedented attack on the Endangered Species Act: Tell Senators King and Klobuchar that their votes are unacceptable

The Endangered Species Act just suffered its worst week in Congress in decades. The Senate recently voted to OVERTURN two actions by Fish and Wildlife Service scientists to protect endangered species. Meddling in individual species decisions is not the job of politicians!

The legislative attacks on the Endangered Species Act that passed the Senate did so by a single vote in both cases. Senators Klobuchar and King are directly responsible for these attacks advancing to the President’s desk. While it is hoped that President Biden will veto them, that is far from guaranteed.

The first bill, supported by Senator King (I-ME), rolled back an expansion of protected habitat for imperiled species. Habitat loss is the leading cause of species extinctions. Rolling back habitat protections at a time of mass extinction is completely unacceptable.

The second bill, supported by Senator Klobuchar (D-MN) slashes protections for Northern long eared bats, whose populations are plunging due to white nose syndrome—a disease that attacks bats during hibernation, ultimately taking their lives. 

Senators Klobuchar and King cast these votes during a global extinction crisis and in the same year that the United States is commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. Their votes are in stark contrast to the spirit of this law and its supporters. Please send Senators King and Klobuchar an email today demanding that they do more to protect this law and the species it protects.

2 comments on “Unprecedented attack on the Endangered Species Act: Tell Senators King and Klobuchar that their votes are unacceptable

  1. I wish the surprised me but I trust Amy Klobuchar as much as I trust Donald Trump (actually Trump is more honest in his stance against the Earth, and many of the living beings upon it including most people)

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