
Get Out the Wild Vote ToolKit

Made in partnership with the Native Plant Conservation Campaign.


This toolkit will help you prepare for elections. And if you want to do more, this website will walk you through it.

Find out if you are registered, register to vote, find your polling location and/or request a mail ballot here!

Why Vote?

Voting is the most important action you can take to protect the environment, wildlife, and plants. In our divided world, one vote makes a difference. We will never tell you to vote for a particular party or candidate.  We just ask that you participate in our election process.

Environmentalists, as a group, are not consistent voters. So our issues don’t rise up to the top of voters’ concerns or elected officials’ concern. Vote and make environmental issues matter.

Be Informed: Learn About Current Elected Officials

Learn about current members of Congress–their voting records, positions, and financial contributions (which may help explain some of their positions…).

Scorecards & Policy Positions

Defenders of Wildlife Scorecard 

VoteSmart (for national, state and local elected officials)

Financial Contributions

Open Secrets 

Federal Elections Committee

For more information regarding the different legal requirements for organizations and to establish that your activities are within those requirements if you work with an organization, please visit the below links from Bolder Advocacy.  They provide clarity on how 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations can engage.

Guide to Navigatingating the Rules

Permissible Activities for C3 and C4 Organizations

Ex-Offenders Can Vote

It is a myth that all ex-offenders cannot vote. Rules are governed by state. Respect My Vote has every state’s requirements.

Can I/the organization I work with legally do this?

It is legal to register people to vote and to encourage them to do so. For more information regarding the different legal requirements for organizations and to establish that your activities are within those requirements, please visit the below links from Bolder Advocacy.  They provide clarity on how 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations can engage.

Guide to Navigatingating the Rules

Permissible Activities for C3 and C4 Organizations

How do I vote if I am in college?

Students can vote in their home state or the state in which they are attending college. Visit this site to learn more.

Get Out the Vote

Engage Candidates
