Wolf Conservation Planning

A Guide for working together using science, inclusivity, and ethical practices.

Advocate Wolf Resource

This Advocate Wolf Planning Guide  identifies the fundamental elements of a state wolf plan and walks through the planning process so advocates have the information needed to ensure the conservation and full recovery of wolves throughout the contiguous United States.  It is our hope that informed and empowered wolf advocates will be in a far better position to participate in their state’s initial wolf planning process, any subsequent wolf plan revision processes, and in any state decisions regarding wolves being made by the wildlife agency, commission, or in the legislature. Most importantly, this guide is aimed to help advocates secure better outcomes for wolves.  As advocates, your voices are absolutely essential to wolf conservation planning reform.  We encourage you to join our pack of advocates.  Much like wolves, we are stronger when we work together. 

The Advocate’s Guide to Wolf Conservation Planning was written to offer information, guidance and cautionary tales to wolf advocates. It is aimed at those who wish to be involved in wolf-conservation efforts, or who have been selected to participate in the development, update or implementation of a state wolf plan. Read more…Read more…

The words we use are key to changing paradigms for wolf recovery and stewardship of wolves by agencies. Conversely, some words currently in use are an obstacle to change. Read more…

Common pitfalls to avoid. Read more…


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